zondag 26 juni 2011

Some cover-ups tattoos ,New & old stuff!

Found some nice pics of some cover-ups i did a while ago.
The end results are already posted on the website, its kinda cool the see the before pics.
And some New stuff i have been working on,like the Lollipop project.
Check it out!
The before.

The after.

it Was an Impuls buy!

Bold will Hold!

Ciavarro bird,and be gone bunny!

First session of the lollipop project!

Next logical step, a cupcake!

Added some more beard! (crappy pic)

Weapon of choice trident!

Roses always good!

Did em a while ago at the Alkmaar convention.

vrijdag 17 juni 2011

Yo Momma!

Fun Piece i did on Sander Valentijn, a young upcoming tattoo artist
Keep your eye's open for this dude!
Design & Stencil.

Weapons of Choice!

Result,needs one more session.

Next session,halo and wings.
Tribute to his Momma!

maandag 13 juni 2011

On The road & other stuff we like!!

I finaly had some time to clean out my laptop and the 16 SD memory cards i use!
Computers and i don't mix very well, so it took me a while!
Came across some fun pics of travels and conventions,i realy liked seeing some of the pictures again.
Maybe you like em too,and if not,just don't look at them!


Ya gotta love this!

This isthe way we walk inNew York!

R.I.P Micheal Jackson.

Police came to brake up the party!
Bunch of people doing the moonwalk at Times Square
the day M.Jackson died!

Central park.

The view from our room sucked,so we changed it!

In front of flight club N.Y.C
If you don't know it.
check  http://www.flightclubny.com/
Snapple baby!

The next pictures are taken at thelowlands festival some years ago!
What takin the dude so long with the beer!


Oh my god ,it just kicked in!!!

Some convention shots!
East Flanders tattoo convention

(won best of show!)

zondag 12 juni 2011

The Koi project,Finaly done!

The Koi project i started a couple of months ago!
Fun piece to do, on a good guy ,who trusted me enough to let me do my thing!
thanks Nick!
A couple of days ago we had the last session to dot the i's and cross the t's.

The result!

donderdag 9 juni 2011

The lost & found crappy iphone picture archive!!

Everybody who has a phone with a camera ( so i guess 99% of the people out there!)
Knows this problem, you take picture after picture ( most of the time drunk) and you never do anything with it!
For a tattoo artist is a camera phone pretty handy, often at conventions or guestspots we don't have a camera or we're just to lazy to get the damn thing!

So i am gonna start of the lost & found crappy iphone picture archive!
Every once and a while i am gonna clean out my phone and put some pictures on this blog!

The quality is not so good,but still there are a couple of tattoos worth showing ( i think)

Piece i did at the Rotterdam tattoo convention
Quick pic,with the plastic still on.

Healed up piece from a sleeve i am doing.
Steve Soto Flash.

Snorks baby!

Nice big piece.
See,hear,speak no evil with hannya masks.


Nice sleeve to do,on a nice guy!
To bad i only got the iphone pic.
The Dude moved back to England.

My first Stigma Hyper try out,
Fun to do!

Start of a sleeve.

Start of a sleeve,
more to come!

Finally done!
Hope to get a good pic soon!

woensdag 8 juni 2011

Geisha Sleeve tattoo, Day 1

The Stencil.

The Tools.

The Victim.

First Session, Detail shot.

Result after the 1st session.